Priorities & Issues
We need to diversify our transportation options while bolstering our public transportation infrastructure. We need to act on the proposal right now to implement a Bus Rapid Transit System that would designate frequent bus service to and from major hubs around the county.
Quality Affordable Housing*:
Promote more mixed use housing, and less luxury high end developments at the expense of low-income and affordable housing. Also make available resources for homeowners to improve our current housing stock.
Public Health:
Central New Yorkers deserve stability in times of personal crisis. Our county needs to immediately work on restoring our currently depleted Department of Social Services. We need to work together with community providers to ensure our friends and family members receive uninterrupted services despite the changes to our healthcare system in the midst of a global pandemic.
No Aquarium:
I want to be as clear as possible in my opposition to the pending aquarium project. This is a horrendous decision that will have negative consequences for generations to come. I do not agree with spending over 100 million dollars for an Aquarium.
Before getting into the details, we need to start with my #1 priority which is Equity.
Equity needs to be included in everything we do and equity principles must be adhered to with every decision we make. We must always work to make sure our policies ensure everyone gets what they need.
Too often politicians attempt to instill their hypothetical plans and beliefs instead of listening to the people who do this work every day. My plans are all inspired by the work local groups have been doing, and I’ll link and cite those groups as applicable.
In Short: Onondaga County needs to do better for The City of Syracuse. How we achieve that looks different depending on the issue; however, fundamentally the county can’t keep treating Syracuse as a last priority if our region is to succeed. Investments into the city of Syracuse must go beyond building an 85 million dollar aquarium. We need to focus those resources on our most valuable resource, our people.
My primary goals will focus on Housing, Transportation and Health, or as I call it “HTH.”
Not to say that these are the only important issues; however, these are the issues I think the county can act on immediately and will give the most return on investment while also supporting the current work taking place in our community.
Workforce Development:
Partner with OCC and local partners to train our community for jobs that will become more in demand as our economy shifts with Covid-19. As the state moves into significant investments in childcare, and housing we need to ensure County Residents are trained to do these jobs.
Establish that 20% of an OCIDA-awarded project’s construction wages go to city residents. Monitor and enforce this goal with a package as LCPTracker.
Commit to 100% Renewable Energy by 2030 in Onondaga County
While our carbon emissions as a planet continue to rise and contribute to the climate crisis, our county should take urgent action to curb the usage of fossil fuels.
As soon as possible, the county needs to transition municipal buildings to be powered by renewable energy.
I will support legislation that requires all new homes to be built with sustainable infrastructure, which means the elimination of oil or gas powered furnaces or other appliances.
The county needs to invest in community solar through identifying land and building infrastructure for solar farms and incentivizing citizens to buy into the plan.
Develop and Implement an Ambitious Sustainability Plan for the County
As it stands, the County has yet to develop a county sustainability plan. We need an ambitious and comprehensive plan that does the following:
Updates zoning to fuel smarter growth
Creates goals to demonstrate a path to 100% renewable energy
Develops new building codes focused on sustainability and requirements for more energy efficient buildings
Invests in new greener transportation options, including increasing electric vehicle charging stations and implementing electric/green bus fleets, bike lanes, sidewalks, etc.
Commit to Public Ownership of Power
Where we get our electricity does not need to be decided by a state-wide company. Instead, we should let the residents of the county decide where we purchase our energy from, and how much residents are charged for it. A thriving, sustainable community is a place that provides a safe, healthy, high quality of life for current and future generations, incorporating a comprehensive approach to economic vitality, social equity, and environmental stewardship.
Here are the issues that I personally would like to see addressed. I will work to ensure they get included in as many conversations as possible.
Democracy / Government Reform*:
Expand Early Voting in Onondaga County to Ensure Every Voter has Access to an Early Voting Site.
Early voting provides greater opportunity for all voters to exercise their right to vote. It is an essential tool in administering safe and secure elections in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Seeing that an increase in early voting can reduce crowd sizes on election day, and prevent voters from having to wait in long lines during the pandemic, I support expanding polling sites in Onondaga County to a minimum of 8 polling places divided in a way that ensure equity and access to all voters.
I support investing county resources into ensuring the the board of elections has the resources it needs for PPE and other essential sanitary supplies that ensure safe environments for voters and poll workers.
Enact a Small Donor Matching System for Candidates that Run for County Office.
I oppose a campaign system in which industries, like the real estate industry and Amazon, have a larger voice and influence over the election than everyday voters. That provides an unfair advantage for the wealthy and well-connected to buy their way into local office.
I support a robust small donor matching system for Onondaga County-wide races, to ensure every person has a voice in our democracy and that everyday people can run for public office.
I specifically support a small donor matching system should include at least a 4-to-1 match from a public fund, and include a requirement for candidates to meet limit private donations to 70% of the legal limit per donation.
Establish Live Streaming for All Public Meetings Especially the Onondaga County Legislature
Allocate Funds in the City and County Budgets to Market Social Services
*Source: Uplift Syracuse’s People’s Platform: https://upliftsyracuse.wordpress.com/peoples-platform/